Nihreieva, Olena O.Нігреєва, Олена ОлександрівнаKarliuha, Yelyzaveta K.Карлюга, Єлизавета Кирилівна2024-01-282024-01-282023Karliuha, Y. K. Secondary sanctions as an effective means to enforce primary sanctions programs: the case of the US / Y. K. Karliuha // Матеріали 78-ї наукової конференції професорсько-викладацького складу і наукових працівників економіко-правового факультету Одеського національного університету імені І. І. Мечникова (Одеса, 22–24 лист. 2023 р.) / ОНУ ім. І. І. Мечникова, ЕПФ; відп. ред. О. В. Побережець ; ред. кол.: Є. І. Масленніков, А. Л. Святошнюк та ін. – Одеса : Олді+, 2023. – С. 44–49.’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 undoubtedly brought about a change in global sanctions regimes. It marked the beginning of a “sanctions revolution” with the adoption of a set of measures unprecedented in their scale and scope. These developments have posed new challenges, especially when it comes to the enforcement of sanctions imposed. However, it should be noted that little attention has been paid to this matter in the academic debate. This holds true for secondary sanctions, which are widely recognized as enforcement tools for primary sanctions programs. As a classic example of this approach serves the United States of America (US), a State with one of the most developed sanctions enforcement systems in the world. Against this backdrop, the present study has two objectives: (1) to provide insight into the concept of secondary sanctions in contemporary international practice, (2) to analyze the US application practice of secondary sanctions by examining the factors contributing to their effectiveness as a means of enforcing primary sanctions.uksanctionsglobal sanctions regimesecondary sanctionsapplication of US secondary sanctionSecondary sanctions as an effective means to enforce primary sanctions programs: the case of the USArticle