Слишинська, Ганна МиколаївнаСлышинская, Анна НиколаевнаSlyshynska, Hanna M.2019-10-292019-10-292019Записки з українського мовознавства = Opera in linguistica ukrainianahttps://dspace.onu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/25807,, , .У статті досліджено комунікативний потенціал повтору як засобу мовленнєвого впливу в захисних адвокатських промовах, здійснено класифікацію видів повтору, акцентовано на його сугестійній потужності.В статье исследуется коммуникативный потенциал повтора как средства речевого воздействия в защитных адвокатских речах, осуществлена классификация видов повтора, акцентировано внимание на его суггестивном потенциале.Investigation of court speeches actively attracts the attention of modern linguists, which testify to the solid work of N. Alekseyev, V. Devyatkin, R. Katsativ, O. Leontiev, O. Likas and others. The linguistic repetition as an important feature of all levels of the language belongs to a range of phenomena that are constantly at the center of the attention of researchers, and although its separate types are described in detail in the scientific literature, the generally accepted views on the essence and functional properties of repetition in the judicial discourse that defines the general orientation and relevance of the proposed article, and expresses the attraction of the original factual material - the judicial speech of Yu. A. Kaplan in defense of G. D. Pavlova, placed in the collection "Judicial speeches of advocates of Ukr aini ". The purpose of the article is to study and find out the functions of lexical and syntactic repetitions in a defense lawyer's speech. The objective provided for the following tasks: to consider and analyze different approaches to the definition of repetition; to study the lexical and syntactic features of the repetition; to find out the most commonly used types of repetition that have a suggestive charge in a defense lawyer's speech. The object of analysis is a protective speech by the lawyer Yu. A. Kaplan in defense of GD Pavlova. The subject is the discovery of structural-functional, stylistic and suggestive features of lexical and syntactic repetitions in a defense advocate's speech. The research material is the text of the legal pronouncement by a lawyer, presented in the collection "Judicial speeches of lawyers of Ukraine". The basic methods of our study were a structural method that helped to identify the main structural-functional and stylistic features of lexical and syntactic repetitions Quantitative calculations that allowed the dynamics of the use of certain fixed repetitive tokens in the text.ukповторсудовий дискурсмовленнєвий впливадвокатські промовисудебный дискурсвербальное воздействиеадвокатские речиrepetitionjudicial discourseverbal influencelawyer speechesПовтор як один із ключових факторів вербального впливу (на матеріалі адвокатських промов)Повтор как один из ключевых факторов вербального воздействия (на материале адвокатских речей)Repeat as one of the key factors of verbal influence (on material of advocate professionals)Article