Kashuba, Maryna V.Karavaieva, Tetiana L.Rozanova, Olena A.Кашуба, Марина ВалентинівнаРозанова, Олена АбрамівнаКараваєва, Тетяна Леонідівна2014-02-192014-02-192007Записки з романо-германської філології = Writings in Romance-Germanic Philologyhttps://dspace.onu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/4537Nowadays International Business spreads more and more all over the world. Many transnational corporations have their representatives in different countries. They all work with partners and very often they speak different languages. But in this situation business must also remain profitable. One of the ways to be on the top is to communicate effectively, to understand partners and to be understandable by them. So we can see that today we have to pay great attention to the international business language, which is English.enbusinesscommunicationHow to acquire skills of effective business communication: methodological hintsArticle