Konovalova, N. A.Gorbanev, Yuriy M.Davruqov, N. Kh.Горбаньов, Юрій МихайловичГорбанёв, Юрий Михайлович2020-02-142020-02-14201950th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (Texas.held 18-22 March)https://dspace.onu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/27223The observations of the meteors and bright fireballs by meteor stations and fireball networks allows to get the more precise data on atmospheric trajectories and heliocentric orbits of this bodies. In recent years, several works were published on the subjects of the annual occurrence of fireballs. On the base of the Millman Fireball Archive the time of occurrence data for 2373 fireball events observed from across Canada was studied Beech [1]. An analysis of the frequency of the superfireballs based on the reports which appeared in newspapers in the last 150 years was made in [2]. Shrbeny et al. [3] studied the fireball activity from the Desert Fireball Network records from 2006 to 2014 and identified several time periods with increased number of fireballs. We present here the results of the analysis of annual occurrence of large and small sporadic meteoroids and meteorites with known fall data.enannualoccurrencelarge and small sporadicmeteoritesOn the annual occurrence of large and small sporadic meteoroids and meteoritesArticle