Streltsova, Olena O.Hromysheva, E. A.Tymchuk, Alla F.Стрельцова, Елена АлексеевнаСтрельцова, Олена ОлексіївнаТимчук, Алла ФедорівнаТымчук, Алла Федоровна2018-09-202018-09-202002Adsorption Science & Technology adsorption of sodium dodecyl sulphate and sulphanol NP-3 by iron(III) and aluminium hydroxides was studied. The applicability of the Langmuir, Freundlich and Hill–de Boer adsorption equations for the description of the adsorption isotherms obtained experimentally was verified. Values of various parameters characterising the adsorption of the anionic surfactants investigated by iron(III) and aluminium hydroxides have been calculated. These allowed assumptions to be made about the adsorption mechanism. The possibility of using air as an adsorbent for anionic surfactants was studied.enadsorptionhydroxidesaluminiumisothermsThe Adsorption of Anionic Surfactants by Iron(III) and Aluminium HydroxidesArticle