Сучков, Игорь АлександровичКадурин, Владимир НиколаевичФедорончук, Наталья АлександровнаСучков, Ігор ОлександровичКадурін, Володимир МиколайовичФедорончук, Наталя ОлександрівнаSuchkov, Igor O.Kadurin, Volodymyr M.Fedoronchuk, Natalya O.2015-02-022015-02-022014Вісник Одеського національного університету = Odesa National University Heraldhttps://dspace.onu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/5735Вiсник Одеського нацiонального унiверситету = Вестник Одесского национального университетаИзложен опыт проведения учебных полевых практик студентов-геологов в Одес-ском национальном университете, показана роль полевых практик в подготовке специалистов-геологов, оценено значение полевых периодов обучения в формировании геологического мировоззрения студентов и в приобретении навыков коллективной ра¬боты, показаны перспективы проведения учебных практик на геолого-географическом факультете ОНУВикладено досвід проведення навчальних польових практик студентів-геологів в Одеському національному університеті, показана роль польових практик у підготовці фахівців-геологів, оцінено значення польових періодів навчання у формуванні геологічного світогляду студентів і в придбанні навичок колективної роботи, показані перспективи проведення навчальних практик на геолого-географічному факультеті ОНУThe scope of the paper is to show the significance of field training practices in preparation of the specialists in Geology and possible ways of their organization and fulfillment on a high quality level. The object - is the preparation system of students of Geological specialties. The subject of the paper is training field geological practices. The field geological practices in Odessa University have been carried out for more than 100 years. At the moment teaching stuff of the Physical and Marine Geology Department is entirely responsible for implementation of these practices. The aim of the practices is consolidation of knowledge which were obtained by students during studying of theoretical material, acquisition of experience of field investigation, maintenance of geological documentation, gaining of work experience in a team and development of skills to work within a collective. The practice comprises important elements of research work. In methodological basement of training practice lies the principle of modeling of work in real geological survey. The students undergo all the stages of geological survey, i. e. preparation, field stage and laboratory work. Concluding stage of the work is acceptance of field materials, compilation of final geological report with a set of geological maps, construction of final geological maps of the study area, presentation of the report of each team in front of commission which consists of a teaching stuff. The most efficient way to fulfill training practices is on the stationary basis due to close and prolonged interaction between teaching stuff and students, organized infrastructure, possibility of joint work with teachers in the field and as well in laboratories and ensuring of required safety techniques. Usage of stationary basis for field practices is economically sound. The program of training geological practices is elaborated successively for each year of education. As the result of field training geological practices students are able to work independently, make own conclusions concerning geological questions. In addition, students acquire important experience of team work and unforgettable impressions about a field season. Field training geological practices are indispensable during profession preparation of students and formation of their geological world-view. Preparation of qualified specialists in geology, of high quality, without field training practices is impossible.ruгеологияОдесский университетгеологические специальностиобучениегеологические полевые практикигеологіяОдеський університетгеологічні спеціальностінавчаннягеологічні польові практикиgeologyOdessa Universitygeological specialtieseducationgeological field practicesРоль полевых учебных практик в обучении студентов направления подготовки “Геология”Роль польових навчальних практик у навчанні студентів напрямку підготовки “Геологія”The role of field training practices in education of students of Geouogicau speciautiesArticle