Sadchenko, Olena V.Obykhod, HannaYaroshenko, IvanLevkovska, LudmylaDeineha, OleksandrDombrovska, TetianaСадченко, Олена Василівна2023-01-192023-01-192022Journal of Sustainability Research current conditions, economic management issues in environmental management and energy security are increasing due to the high level of depreciation of existing capacities and the lack of financial resources for their renewal. The issues of reliability of energy supply, the transition to energy-saving technologies, and the development of alternative energy are being updated. The purpose of the article is to analyze the current state and develop ways to improve the management of the economy in environmental management and energy security on the principle of synergy to ensure the sustainable development of countries. The authors have proposed an economic model of sustainable development of environmental management and energy security. The authors identified sources of threats and risks, the occurrence of which may threaten the fuel and energy complex. This made it possible to develop a mechanism for reducing threats to energy security for the region’s economy and the population—Mechanism of economic management in environmental management and energy security. The authors have developed a Management decision matrix for managing the economy in environmental management and energy security. All this will allow redirecting the management of the economy in the field of environmental management and energy security towards sustainable development.enenergy securityenvironmental managementfuel and energy complexsustainable developmentManagement of the Economy in the Field of Environmental Management and Energy Security as Components of Sustainable DevelopmentArticle