Луговий, Олег МихайловичLugovyi, Oleg M.2017-12-052017-12-052017Libra: збірка наукових праць кафедри історії стародавнього світу та середніх віківhttps://dspace.onu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/11738The publication provides Ukrainian translation of the list of diplomatic formulas, used by Byzantine imperial office (De ceremoniis. II, 48). This document gives the possibility to outline different groups of countries by the Emperor relation to their rulers. They included ‘spiritual family’ of the basileus, i.e. his ‘spiritual sons’ – rulers of Bulgaria, Armenia and Alania, ‘spiritual brothers’ – a number of Western monarchs, and ‘spiritual father’ – the Roman Pope. ‘Despotia’ of the basileus covered about 30 little principalities in Italy, Western Balkans and Caucasus that were submitted to the basileus decrees. Careful research of every case of such relations between the basileus and other rulers gives possibility to determine more correct date of the diplomatic formulas. The most of them correspond with the international situation of the late 920-s – middle 940-s.uk«Духовна сім’я»«деспотія»«Про церемонії Двору»‘spiritual family’‘despotia’De ceremoniisМежі «Духовної сім’ї» та «деспотії» василевса ромеїв за матеріалами трактату «Про церемонії Двору»The limits of the basileus Rhomaíōn ‘spiritual family’ and his ‘despotia’ after the treaty De ceremoniis.Article