Sviatoshniuk, Aryna L.Savchenko Elena R.Святошнюк, Арина Леонідівна2021-12-032021-12-032021Svyatoshnyuk A. L. Features of using electronic signature when concluding civil legal transactions on the Internet / A. L. Svyatoshnyuk, E. R. Savchenko // The 2nd International scientific and practical conference “Modern science: innovations and prospects” (November 7-9, 2021). – Stockholm, Sweden : SSPG Publish, 2021. – P. 764–767. development of the information community is rapidly gaining momentum and leads to the transformation of public, social, civil law relations. In modern conditions, most of the civil transactions of individuals and legal entities are concluded in electronic form, the Internet is increasingly used to obtain the necessary information. In addition, state executive bodies implement their functions and provide services using web solutions (for example, open registers, "Diya", etc.).enelectronic digital signaturecivil transactions in electronic formelectronic documentelectronic document flowFeatures of using electronic signature when concluding civil legal transactions on the InternetArticle