Hrinevych, Viktor S.Matiash, I. E.Maksymenko, L. S.Mischuk, O. N.Rudenko, S. P.Serdeha, B. K.Smyntyna, Valentyn A.Filevska, Liudmila M.2017-11-302017-11-302011Eurosensors XXV, September 4-7, 2011, Athens, Greece. Procedia Engi-neering 25 (2011) of internal reflections, caused by surface plasmon resonance in nanosized composite films containing faulty tin dioxide clusters in stoichiometric matrix were studied. The angle and spectral characteristics of Rs 2 and Rp 2 reflection indexes of radiation with s- and p-polarization, both with their polarization difference ρ=Rs 2-Rp 2 are measured in the waves range of 400-1600 nm. The obtained experimental ρ(θ, λ) characteristics reflect the optical properties’ peculiarities, connected with films’ structure and morphology. The surface plasmon resonance investigation procedure is established to be sensitive for tin dioxide films’ structure.entin dioxide nanofilmssurface plasmon resonanceTin dioxide nanofilms as sensitive detectors for surface plasmon resonance phenomenonArticle