Bychkova, Nataliya V.Kopylova, Olha V.2018-10-082018-10-082018Стратегічні пріоритети соціально-економічного розвитку в умовах інституційних перетворень глобального середовища : [матеріали] VІІІ Міжнар. наук.-практ. конф. (28-29 верес., 2018 р.) / ОНУ ім. І.І. Мечникова, ЕПФ, Каф. екон. та підприємництва; гол. оргкомітету О. В. Горняк. – Одеса : Одеський нац. ун-т, 2018. – 302 с. modern conditions, when the economy of leading countries reaches a new stage of its development, the main aim of the company is to provide sustainable increase of its market value. By dynamics of the company value one can draw conclusions about its success and effectiveness, as well as the general effectiveness of the corporate management. Different models of a company evaluation are used in the practice of the financial management, one of which is VBM (Value-Based Management) concept. The concept carries the principle that managing in the interests of shareholders can increase the company’s competitive position on the market, ensures increased efficiency, contributes improving the wellness of all other stakeholders. We consider it to be very important, but not sufficiently investigated, in the context of consideration of the risk premium to investors is the quality aspect of the impact of the stock market infrastructure for the market prices formation of shares and thus determination the value of the company.eneconomydevelopmentUkraineThe impact of the stock market infrastructure development in Ukraine on companies’ valueArticle