Sviatoshniuk, Serhii S.Bakalo, Liliia. O.Bilostotskyi, Oleg V.Gut, Serhii F.Chaikovskyi, Oleh I.Zaiets, O. M.Бакало, Лілія ОлегівнаСвятошнюк, Сергій СергійовичБілостоцький, Олег ВікторовичГут, Сергій ФедоровичЧайковський, Олег Ігорович2022-08-142022-08-142021Cuestiones Politicas aim of this study is a comprehensive analysis of legal mechanisms to protect the rights of participants in contractual and non-contractual relations based on the experience of foreign countries, namely: Australia, Brazil, Spain, Mexico, Germany, Portugal, Turkey, France, and Switzerland. This research involved the following methods: sociological analysis, system-structural and comparative methods, logical-semantic and formal-logical methods, as well as the dialectical method. Our study resulted in identification of the main characteristics and features of legal mechanisms to protect the rights of participants in contractual and non-contractual relations of each of the studied countries. As a result, we drew conclusions about the need to update the regulatory framework of most of the said countries. The further use of mechanisms for legal protection of the rights of participants in contractual and non-contractual relations will help ensure their real and effective protection.enprotection of rightslegal relationsobligationslegal mechanismscontractual and non-contractual legal relationshipsprotección de derechosrelaciones legalesobligacionesmecanismos legalesContractuales y no ContractualesLegal Mechanisms for Protection of the Rights of Participants in Contractual and Non-Contractual Legal RelationsMecanismos Legales para la Protección de los Derechos de los Participantes en las Relaciones Legales Contractuales y no ContractualesArticle