Баламуш, Марьяна АнатольевнаBalamush, Mariana A.Баламуш, Мар'яна Анатоліївна2019-06-072019-06-072019Social and legal aspects of the development of civil society institutions: collective monograph. Part II. Warsaw: BMT Erida Sp.z o.o., 2019.https://dspace.onu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/24518The article highlights the problems and important tasks facing the society and the state today, namely: ensuring effective legal regulation and public administration of migration processes, creation of conditions for unimpeded realization of rights, freedoms, legal interests of migrants and fulfillment of their statutory duties, strengthening social and legal protection of Ukrainian citizens who are or are working abroad, increasing the level of national security by preventing the emergence of nonconforming migration processes and elimination of their consequences. The current state and problems of the migration policy of Ukraine appeared a result of the imperfect strategy of the development of migration law in general and the absence of clear goals and principles of national migration and legal regulation. In the system of law of Ukraine, which is developing today under the influence of European integration processes, there are changes that significantly affect its structural division and affect the processes of formation of the categorical apparatus of legal science. The question arises about the effectiveness of Ukraine's migration policy and the regulatory and legal regulation of migration processes, which, in our opinion, require major changes, since the signing of the Association Agreement and visa-free regime between Ukraine and the European Union played a decisive role in the complicated demographic situation of the state.enstatemigrationpolicyUkraineprovidinglegislationphysicianprofessionalsModern state migration policy of Ukraine. Guarantee for providing legislation on the implementation of the rights and freedom of physician professionals in the migration sectorArticle