Horshkova, Olena H.Voliuvach, Olha V.Gudzenko, Tetiana V.Chernyshova, Myroslava O.Nester, A. A.Волювач, Ольга В'ячеславівнаВолювач, Ольга ВячеславовнаГоршкова, Елена ГеоргиевнаГоршкова, Олена ГеоргіївнаГудзенко, Тетяна ВасилівнаГудзенко, Татьяна Васильевна2019-02-122019-02-122018The Ukrainian Biochemical Journalhttps://dspace.onu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/21630To increase the efficiency of the work of medical institutions and pharmaceutical production facilities, where a large number of phenolic and other hardly oxidizable compounds are found in the sewage waters, we recommend using strain Bacillus subtilis ONU551 (F13) to purify this kind of effluentenBacillus subtilisONU 551Detection of markers in the fat –acid profile of Bacillus subtilis ONU 551 - destructor of disinfectantsArticle