Kriuchkova, Nataliia M.Крючкова, Наталія МихайлівнаКрючкова, Наталья Михайловна2018-12-052018-12-052018Матеріали 73-ї звітної наукової конференції професорсько-викладацького складу і наукових працівників економіко-правового факультету ОНУ ім. І.І. Мечникова (м. Одеса,28–30 листоп. 2018 р.) : збірник.. – Одеса, 2018. approaches to forming budgets of united territorial communities, especially their total revenues, will provide for realization of the main direction of budget policy on creating appropriate conditions for local self-government bodies and executive bodies to perform their duties by strengthening the revenue base; introducing new instruments of encouraging the regional development; generating the local self-government bodies’ interest in increasing the volume of receipts to the budgets of united territorial communities; improving the mechanism of calculating the revenue and expenditure parts which are taken into account when the volume of inter-budget transfers is determined [1, p. 61-62].enmethodsformingtotal revenuesunited territorialMethods of forming total revenues of united territorial communities in Ukraine in transforming system of public financesArticle