Веремйов, Кирил Валерійович2024-07-252024-07-252023Веремйов, К. В. Оптимізація маршрутів з урахуванням значущості проміжних пунктів : кваліфікаційна робота магістра; Optimization of routes taking into account the importance of intermediate points / К. В. Веремйов. – Одеса, 2023. – 51 с.https://dspace.onu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/38910Today there are many cases when people need to construct a route taking into account not only the starting and destination points, but also the intermediate ones. This topic is quite relevant nowadays and there are many examples, given how often people need to go somewhere, visit or deliver something. For example, if a ship is sailing in a reef zone, it is important not only to lay out a route to the port, but also that it goes in the safe zone. That is, priority is given not to the shortest, but to the safest route, to avoid reef areas. Because the priority is safety, not distance. Or, if a tourist is in an unfamiliar city, he may be interested in visiting some attractions or seeing something. That is, he may prefer not the fastest route, but a more interesting one, which will allow him to get acquainted with local attractions and other interesting places. Thus, he can make a choice in favor of attractiveness rather than travel time, and it is important for him not just to arrive at the destination, but what the intermediate places are.en113 прикладна математикамагістрмаршрутипроміжні пунктиоптимізаціязначущістьroutesintermediate pointsoptimizationsignificanceОптимізація маршрутів з урахуванням значущості проміжних пунктівOptimization of routes taking into account the importance of intermediate pointsDiplomas