Cherkez, Yevhen A.Kozlova, Tetiana V.Medinets, Volodymyr I.Soltys, Inna Ye.Medinets, Sergiy V.Черкез, Євген АнатолійовичЧеркез, Евгений АнатольевичКозлова, Тетяна ВіталіївнаКозлова, Татьяна ВитальевнаМедінець, Сергій ВолодимировичМединец, Сергей ВладимировичМедінець, Володимир ІвановичМединец, Владимир ИвановичСолтис, Ірина ЄвгенівнаСолтыс, Ирина Евгеньевна2020-09-172020-09-172020Second EAGE Workshop on Assessment of Landslide Hazards and impact on communities (8-11 September, 2020, Kyiv, Ukraine) of the work has been to reveal spatial and temporal regularities of micro-block geodynamics to bring down engineering and construction risks on landslide slopes of Odesa coast. Methodology. The results of the slope landslide mapping (1953), geodetic monitoring (1966 – 1992) and instrumental measurements of deformations (2018) of constructive elements of an offtake drift in Odesa coast landslide protection works have been used as the source data. Data processing comprised determination of benchmarks’ movement and horizontal displacement, incline parameters of the offtake drift water-sink and deviation of the drift cross sectional diameters from the standard one. Results. It has been established that the drift could be divided into separate segments (blocks of rock massif), which experience rises, inclinations and differentiated movements. The deformations of the drift water-sink and constructive elements that have accumulated during service life are well pronounced. They have the form of zones of local creepage formed as the result of micro-blocks differentiated movements. Conclusions. The structural and geological basis of landslide processes is permanently active as the result of micro-blocks constant movements creating conditions for the slopes stability decrease. Optimal construction solutions should be tailored for current engineering geodynamics of landslide slopes.enEngineeringOdesa coastlandslide slopesmicro-block geodynamicsEngineering and Geodynamics Conditions of Economic Development and Construction on Landslide Slopes in Odesa CoastArticle