Пилипенко, Галина ПавлівнаПлотницький, Сергій ВолодимировичЖанталай, Павло ІвановичЦуркан, Оксана ІванівнаПилипенко, Галина ПавловнаПлотницкий, Сергей ВладимировичЖанталай, Павел ИвановичЦуркан, Оксана ИвановнаPylypenko, Halyna P.Plotnytskyi, Serhii V.Zhantalai, Pavlo I.Tsurkan, Oksana I.2015-12-252015-12-252015Вісник Одеського національного університету = Odesa National University Heraldhttps://dspace.onu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/7714Вiсник Одеського нацiонального унiверситету = Вестник Одесского национального университетаУ роботі розглянуто заснування і організація Криничанського фізико-географічного науково-навчального стаціонару; виділені та представлені основні напрямки комплексних фізико-географічних досліджень і особливості їх розвитку.В работе рассмотрено формирование и организация Криничанского физико- географического учебного научно-исследовательского стационара; выделены и представлены основные направления комплексных физико-географических исследований и особенности их развития.Purpose. The aim of this study is to analyze the complex physiographic research conducted on the territory of Krinichansky physical-geographical educational and scientific research center of Faculty of Geology and Geography ONU.Methodology. The actual writing material for this article was scientific papers staff of the Department of Physical Geography and Nature Management Odessa National University – reports, articles and abstracts. In the process of work have used traditional methods such as comparative geographical, historical-geographic and method of analysis.Results. Krinichansky physical geographical education and research center was founded in year 1980 on the basis of Krinichansky High School and it will mark its 35th anniversary in 2015. Krinichansky Physical and Geographical Education and Scientific Research Center was organized as an educational research complex of Geology and Geography Faculty of Odessa National University , the main purpose of this center is scientific work , study and practical training of students of Geography and Geology Faculty . The center has been organized for the study of landscapes and their mode of overly wet rainfed lands (mochari) and their reclamation. The aim of this study is to analyze the complex physiographic research conducted on the territory Krinichansky Education. The object of study – the natural landscape of the southern steppe complexes spurs Podolsk Upland and processes that take place in it, within the territory Krinichansky Education. The subject – the history and characteristics of the component and integrated field studies within the territory of the Education. Standard meteorological ground has been established, soil hydraulic vaporizer has been set up, the wells were drilled to measure the level of ground waters. The work scope includes monitoring of soil moisture based on the model slope area in three key points (every ten days) and studying properties of soil reclamation techniques of artificial irrigation and flood rings. All research work is conducted on the basis of the landscapes. The geological structure of the model slope areas has been studied, geological, soil and landscape map of the area has been completed. Research center is the main key area of the landscape transects. The seasonal changes of the natural territorial complexes and the influence of human activities on mochari mode are being observed. This research is an important as a training base for students of geography.ukКриничанський фізико-географічний науково-навчальний стаціонарнаукові дослідженнянавчальна практикаКриничанский физико-географический научно-учебный стационарнаучные исследованияучебная практикаKrinichansky physical-geographical educational and research centerhistory of developmentscientific researcheducational practiceКриничанському фізико-географічному науково-навчальному стаціонару – 35 роківКриничанскому физико-географическому научно-учебному стационару – 35 летKrinichansky educational and scientific research center is 35 yearsArticle