Priieshkina, Olha V.Прієшкіна, Ольга ВасилівнаПриешкина, Ольга Васильевна2018-07-112018-07-112018Вісник Одеського національного університету = Odesa National University Herald article is devoted to the study of the legal status of municipal authorities in the system of constitutional and legal relations. The concept of power as a social phenomenon in the development of the state is argued, the significance of which is especially exacerbated during the period of socioeconomic transformations, when economic regimes change and significant transformations occur in the functioning of the political system and the division of state power. The definition of municipal power is given as a special public-law phenomenon, which is implemented through the system of power relations, which are aimed at solving all issues of local-regional significance.enmunicipal powerpublic authoritydemocracylocal governmentmunicipalitiesвладамуніципальна владапублічна влададемократіямуніципальні утвореннявластьмуниципальная властьпубличная властьдемократиямуниципальные образованияMunicipality: constitutional and legal aspectsМуніципальна влада: конституційно-правові аспектиМмуниципальная власть: конституционно-правовые аспектыArticle