Tyurin, Oleksandr V.Zhukov, Serhii O.Akhmerov, Oleksandr Yu.Тюрін, Олександр ВалентиновичЖуков, Сергій ОлександровичАхмеров, Олександр Юрійович2022-10-032022-10-032022Tyurin A. V. Creation and application of precision three-dimensional holographic optical elements based on the "coreCaF2 – shell AgBr " / A. V. Tyurin, S. A. Zhukov, A. Yu. Akhmerov. – Odesa: "Odesa National University named after I. I. Mechnikov", 2022. – 127 p.https://dspace.onu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/33855In this work, for the registration of three-dimensional transmission holograms at room temperature, we have proposed an emulsion containing a heterophase microsystem "core CaF2 – shell AgBr". Also considered are the proposed applications of holographic optical elements based on three-dimensional transmitting diffractive structures for solving students, graduatestudents,Forproblems.practicalsome researchers.encore CaF2 – shell AgBrprecision three-dimensional holographic optical elementsCreation and application of precision three-dimensional holographic optical elements based on the "coreCaF2 – shell AgBr "Book