Иванищева, Алена ВладимировнаIvanishcheva, Olena V.Іваніщева, Олена Володимирівна2018-03-152018-03-152007Ринкова економіка: сучасна теорія і практика управління = Market economy: modern management theory and practicehttps://dspace.onu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/13040Предложено обоснование построения информационных систем и технологии обработки информации как инструмента развития и совершенствования банковского обслуживания.In clause the opportunity of application of the information technologies is considered (examined ) at the system engineering of information maintenance of the process of management in credit establishments. As an example for consideration the information maintenance of the process of management of settlement operations made in banks is chosen. With the purposes of the description of the information used as acceptance of the administrative decisions, the classification of the bank information is offered, proceeding from a sequence of process of acceptance of the decisions, the analyses of sources and basic elements of the given information is conducted. In clause the basic questions of introduction of information systems in activity of banks and creation of uniform information space in bank sphere in territory of CIS are considered also.ruбанккредитсчетинформациярасчетсистематехнологияИспользование новых технологий в расчетных операциях финансовокредитных учрежденийArticle