Landry, C. K. H.2019-01-042019-01-042018Вісник Одеського національного університету = Odesa National University Herald the time of its creation in 1975 ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States) aimed to promote the economic integration of its 15 member states. The civil war that broke out in Liberia in 1989, however, marked a turning point: an interposition force led by a Nigerian staff composed of nationals from several important member states was created under the name of ECOMOG (Ecowas cease-fire monitoring group).This strong approach has been formalized by the 1999 Protocol on Conflict Prevention, which explicitly linked economic development with peace, and the 2001 Additional Protocol on Good Governance, which states that «any accession to power must be done through free, fair and transparent elections «. Among the other instruments used, ECOWAS uses information and election observation missions, the appointment of special representatives and mediators, sanctions and the establishment of international contact groups to resolve or prevent conflicts.enrole of ecowasmaintainingpeacewest AfricaThe role of ecowas in maintaining peace in west AfricaArticle