Георгиева, Светлана Ивановна2018-03-202018-03-202005Слов’янський збірникhttps://dspace.onu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/13126The diagnostic dialect markers of the Bulgarian dialects in Bessarabia, in fact, have not been researched at all. The preparation of a complete markers’ list from the different language levels is vital for determination the genetic propinquity of the researched settler’s dialects. The concept “diagnostic dialect markers” is examined in the presented article. In this paper are also analyzed problems, which arise when the defining of the mentioned concept takes place. Considering the elements of the dialect of the village of Zarya, the following linguistic patterns refer to th e diagnostic dialect markers: Reflexion of the vowel J a t'; presence/absence of - I> -U labialization; stability/instability of the phoneme /x / ; presence/absence of hyperism forms; presence/absence of the j> v mutation, etc.ruбессарабськи болгарські говоридіагностуючі діалектні маркеризорянська говіркаBulgarian dialects in Bessarabiadiagnostic dialect markersdialect of the village of ZaryaК вопросу о диагностирующих диалектных маркерах бессарабских болгарских говоровArticle