Yanko-Hombach, Valentyna V.Kadurin, Serhii V.Larchenkov, Yevhenii P.Lykhodedova, Olha H.Kakaranza, S. D.Янко-Хомбах, Валентина ВенедиктовнаЯнко-Хомбах, Валентина ВенедиктівнаКараканза, С. Д.Кадурін, Сергій ВолодимировичКадурин, Сергей ВладимировичЛарченков, Евгений ПавловичЛарченков, Євген ПавловичЛиходедова, Ольга ГеоргиевнаЛиходідова, Ольга Георгіївна2012-04-182012-04-182010Black sea-mediterranean corridor during the last 30 ky: sea level change and human adaptation (2005–2010) : VI plenarry meeting and field trip IGCP-521 (Rhodes, 27 Sept. – 5 Oct., 2010). – Rhodes, 2010.https://dspace.onu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/2373Caspian-Black Sea-mediterranean corridor during last 30 ky: sea level change and human adaptiv strategies (2005-2011), plenary meeting and field trip INQUA 501 (6,2010),27 Sept.-5 Oct., 2010Was the Black Sea catastrophically flooded in the Early Holocene or not? This question has been hotly debated since Ryan et al. (1997) first proposed their hypothesis of a catastrophic inflow of Mediterranean seawater into a Black Sea freshwater lake (locally called the Neoeuxinian Lake) at 7.2 ka BP. This hypothesis claimed that a massive inundation of the Black Sea basin and ensuing large-scale environmental changes drastically impacted early societies in coastal areas, forming the basis for Great Flood legends and other folklore, and accelerating the spread of agriculture into Europe. This scenario (called here the "Flood Hypothesis") was widely publicized and discussed in the general media. In response to criticism, and based on reevaluation of old data as well as new data, the authors of the Flood Hypothesis pushed the date of their inundation back 1200 years to 8.4 ka BP (Ryan et al. 2003). Instead of a single inundation, two lowstands (-120 m at 13.4—11.0 ka BP; and -95 m at 10.0-8.4 ka BP) and two catastrophic floods (sea-level rise from -120 to -30 m at 11.0-10.0 ka BP; and from -95 to -30 m at 8.4 ka BP) were proposed. The second of these two major transgressions was labeled the Great Flood. The initial Flood Hypothesis was based on evidence from seven short (about 1.25 m each), low- resolution sediment cores and 350 km of seismic profiles collected within a fairly restricted area of the Black Sea's NW shelf at water depths between 49 and 140 m during a single mission in 1993.enWas the Black Sea catastrophically flooded in the Early Holocene - a new perspective from the large scale geological survey of the northwestern shelfArticle