Стрельцова, Євдокія ДжонівнаStreltsova, Yevdokiia D.Стрельцова, Евдокия Джоновна2015-10-282015-10-281998Правова держава=Правовое государство=Сonstitutional Statehttps://dspace.onu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/7488The article deals with one of the principles of maritime conflicts of laws the law of the flag. The main objective of the article is showing up the historical and modern role of this principle in solving conflict of laws situations. Under study here are principles and consepts of early international maritime legislation on the subject matter as well as of modern maritime rules, both international and national ones of a number of leading maritime states. The author comes to a conclusion that deciding whether to apply the law of the flag or not, one should follow certain methodology in order to find properly applicable law.ukЗакон прапора судна як один з колізійних принципів міжнародного приватного морського праваArticle