Smyntyna, Olena V.Сминтина, Олена ВалентинівнаСмынтына, Елена Валентиновна2012-04-232012-04-232006Black sea – mediterranean corridor during the last 30 ky: sea level change and human adaptation (2005–2009) : ІІ plenary meeting and field trip of project IGCP-521 (Odessa, 20–28 August 2006). – Odessa : Astroprint, 2006.Друга пленарна конференція та польові екскурсії з Проекту IGCP-521 «Чорноморсько-Середземноморський Коридор упродовж останніх 30 тисяч років: мінливість рівня моря й адаптація людини» (2005-2009).Путівник.-Одеса:Астрапринт,2006An Eneolithic barrow situated on the hill between Krivaya Balka and Slobodka- Romanovka (nowadays on the outskirts of the central part of the city of Odessa) which gradually descends to the sea, ending by the famous Odessa Peresyp (Fig. 1b). Most probably, a series of barrows was constructed there, and only one has survived.This barrow is interpreted as the first polyethnic cemetery within the territory of the contemporary city of Odessa. Its thousand-year history involved many reshapings through burials and refillings as a ritual place used by Usatovo, Pit-Grave, Kemi-Oba, Catacomb, and Sabatinovka populations (Sinitsyn, 1955). Stratigraphically traced by Dobrovolsky (1950), this barrow is regarded as the most detailed reference point for barrow graves of prehistoric inhabitants of NWBS region.enEneolithicNWBS regionSlobodka-RomanovkaOther