Sarakutsa, Mariia O.Саракуца, Марія Олександрівна2024-07-152024-07-152024Sarakutsa M. Legal status of Ukrainian refugees on the basis of EU temporary protection directive: essence and prospects / M. Sarakutsa // Правовий вимір конституційної та кримінальної юрисдикції в Україні та світі. Сьомі юридичні читання : зб. тез доп. Всеукр. щоріч. наук.-практ. дистанц. конф. (Одеса, 19 квіт. 2024 р.) / за заг. ред. Т. В. Степанової, О. А. Чувакова; уклад. М. О. Саракуца, О. В. Нарожна – Одеса : Одес. нац. ун-т ім. І. І. Мечникова, 2024. – С. 87–91. invasion of Ukraine and the start of a full-scale war on February 24, 2022 provoked the most massive wave of migration processes to the countries of the European Union in recent decades. More than eight million of Ukrainians were forced to leave their homes and migrate to Europe. The large number of Ukrainian refugees has become a challenge for the EU, prompting it to review and adapt its approaches to migration and humanitarian aid. These changes included simplification of procedures for obtaining special legal status for Ukrainians, provision of financial and humanitarian aid to support refugees, and other measures to ensure their safety and well-being. I is advisable to use the best international practice, introduce common harmonized funding standards, and establish effective interaction and information exchange between the participants in the process.enUkrainian refugeesUkraine’s reintegration programsCouncil Implementing DecisionTemporary Protection DirectiveLegal status of Ukrainian refugees on the basis of EU temporary protection directive: essence and prospectsArticle