Smyntyna, Olena V.Сминтина, Олена ВалентинівнаСмынтына, Елена Валентиновна2012-04-232012-04-232006Black sea – mediterranean corridor during the last 30 ky: sea level change and human adaptation (2005–2009) : ІІ plenary meeting and field trip of project IGCP-521 (Odessa, 20–28 August 2006). – Odessa : Astroprint, 2006.Друга пленарна конференція та польові екскурсії з Проекту IGCP-521 «Чорноморсько-Середземноморський Коридор упродовж останніх 30 тисяч років: мінливість рівня моря й адаптація людини» (2005-2009).Путівник.-Одеса:Астрапринт,2006This late Palaeolithic settlement was a base camp for bison hunters. It is located on the right bank of the small Akkarzha River (or Akkarzhanskaya ravine),6 km from the shore and 1.5 km to the southwest of Velikodolinskoye village (Ovidiopol district of Odessa region). The settlement was discovered by Kraskovsky in 1955 and excavated later by Boriskovsky (1963), Kraskovsky (1978),and Sapozhnikov (2003). Palynological,stratigraphic,and paleontological analysis of the settlement supplemented by radiocarbon dating enabled researchers to attribute it to the Last Glacial Maximum [19- 18 ky BP] (Sapozhnikov, 2003).Four household complexes (each 15-23 m2) have been uncovered consisting of hearths and,concentrated around them,flint artifacts (about 57,000 pieces in total)and faunal remains(represented exclusively by Bison priscus with only some horse teeth).Peculiarities of the flint industry and lifeways of this site have become the background for delineating a special Akkarzhanskaya Culture of the LGM related to the circle of Gravettian cultures of Europe.enRoksolanyDicerorhinus etruscusBol'shaya AkkarzhaOther