Kachur, DmytroGolikov, VladimirSharai, Nataliia V.Smolets, VitalyШарай, Наталія Вікторівна2024-05-302024-05-302020Kachur D. Efficiency evaluation of usage the wig crafts on short voyages in Black Sea/ D. Kachur, V. Golikov, N. Sharai, V. Smolets // Scientific Bulletin of Naval Academy. – 2020. – Vol. 23. – P. 123–133.2392-8956https://dspace.onu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/38244Every day people try to find the cheapest and fastest type of transport, that can bring them or their goods from one place to another in shortest time. This article consist of showing the difference in usage efficiency between WIG crafts, airplane and bus on the way from Odessa to Istanbul and efficiency, which based on economic model, of transferring different types of cargoes on different types of transports depends of the time of the year.enBlack seausage the WIG craftsshort voyagesefficiency evaluationEfficiency evaluation of usage the wig crafts on short voyages in Black SeaArticlehttps://doi.org/10.21279/1454-864x-20-i1-0161454-864X