Цуканов, Б. Й.2015-10-282015-10-281998Правова держава=Правовое государство=Сonstitutional Statehttps://dspace.onu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/7486State systems , on the one hand are structures that strive to a condition of dynamic balance. On the other hand, a state is an aggregate of individuals carrying consciousness. Therefore , from the point of view of accomplishment of functions of socio psycological groups totality of conscious individuals can be considered as the state group subject that exists in its own historical measurement. The scale unity of the measurement is a big biological cycle ( C) with the length of 7,65 years , or a quarter of the cycle (C=1,91 years). Study of the historical development of the U.S.A., France, Italy, Japan, U.S.S.R. shows up that there are a number of periods of existence of a group of individuals that correspond to a scale of the big biological cycle and its quarters. The most frequent are 1/4 C (9,56 years), 1 1/2 C(11,47 years), 1 3/4 C (13,39 years).ukДискретність історичного виміру в державних системахArticle