Ptashchenko, Oleksandr O.Artemenko, O. S.Dmytruk, M. L.Masleyeva, N. V.Ptashchenko, Fedir O.Птащенко, Александр АлександровичПтащенко, Олександр Олександрович2018-06-072018-06-072005Фотоэлектроника = Photoelectronics—V characteristics of forward and reverse currents in GaP p—л-junctions were measured in air, in air with ammonia vapors at several partial pressures of NH3, as well as in air after ammonia vapors treatment. The influence of adsorbed ammonia molecules on the forward current is explained by such processes: formation of a surface conducting channel in GaP, caused by the electric field of ammonia ions, which are located on the external side of the natural oxide layer; double injection into this channel; destroying of the conducting channel at high injection levels. Laser ellipsometry showed that the refractivity of the oxide layer on GaP is not changed by ammonia vapors treatment, while the thickness of this layer increases. Atomic force microscope investigation demonstrated that the ammonia vapors modify the morphology of the oxide layer.enmorphologyammoniaGaPmoleculesEffect of Ammonia Vapors on The Surface Morphology and Surface Current in p - n-Junctions ON GaPArticle