Rudakov, Anton I.Rodionova, Tetiana A.2018-05-222018-05-222018Добробут націй в умовах глобальної нестабільності : зб. наук. праць Восьмої міжнар. наук.-практ. конф. / ОНУ ім. І.І. Мечникова, Програма ім. Жана Моне ; за заг. ред. С. О. Якубовського, І. М. Ломачинської . – Одеса : Одесский нац. ун-т, 2018. object of the paper is Bitcoin and other cryptocrurrencies. The subjects of the study are the dynamics of Bitcoin exchange rate, the capitalization data and the statistical data of the cryptocurrency and Bitcoin. The theories and history information of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency are also indicated as subject as well as the market information and indicators of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency. The objectives of present paper is to analyse market share, capitalization and other statistical data of Bitcoin, to distinguish the prospects of cryptocurrency as the method of payment and, thus, our primary task is to get aquainted with blockchain technology and its usage in financial industry.encryptocurrency marketglobalizationfinancial industryBitcoincryptocrurrenciesBitcoin exchange rateother cryptocurrencyUkraine and global cryptocurrency market development in globalizationArticle