Zheng Wenhao2024-05-222024-05-222023Zheng Wenhao. Managerial structures of business ecosystems = Структура управління в галузевих екосистемах : master's qualification project (thesis) / Zheng Wenhao. – Odesa, 2023. – 77 P.https://dspace.onu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/38136There are many competitive companies with traditional business models in the world today. However, experience shows that Uber, Alibaba, Airbnb and other ecosystem-based companies have a significant competitive advantage over traditional companies. But this fact does not negate the prospects for the development of companies with traditional business models. By supplementing their models with an ecosystem, traditional businesses are able to develop to a new level. Therefore, traditional business leaders such as Walmart, Nike, General Electric, Bosch, and others are already actively trying to transform their business models towards ecosystems. The emergence of new technologies and their implementation in the business model force key players to constantly improve, in order to avoid losing their positions in a particular market. As companies digitize their devices and transform their business processes, companies are shifting towards platform solutions, resulting in new business models. Digital platforms and the ecosystems they form are reshaping entire industries, shaping new markets, and becoming new engines of economic growth and innovation.en073 менеджментмагістрbusiness ecosystemsmanagerial structurescompetitive advantagetraditional companiesManagerial structures of business ecosystemsСтруктури управління в галузевих екосистемахDiplomas