Райхерт, Константин ВильгельмовичРайхерт, Костянтин ВільгельмовичRayhert, Konstantin V.2017-10-072017-10-072013Вісник Дніпропетровського університетуhttps://dspace.onu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/10983В центре антропологической философии Л. фон Берталанфи стоит человек как символическое животное. Человек в отличие от других животных способен создавать вселенную символов, которая замещает мир «вещей», превращая тем самым природу в культуру. Антропологическая философия Л. фон Берталанфи выполняет функцию критики культуры.У центрі антропологічної філософії Л. фон Берталанфі знаходиться людина. Людина на відміну від інших тварин здатна створювати всесвіт символів, який заміщує світ «речей» і тим самим перетворює природу на культуру. Антропологічна філософія Л. фон Берталанфі виконує функцію критики культури.The L. von Bertalanffy’s general system theory is a branch and a logico-methodological instrument of the L. von Bertalanffy’s anthropological philosophy. The basic statement of the L. von Bertalanffy’s anthropological philosophy is a man as symbolic animal. Only human beings are able to create universes of symbols which substitute the worlds of things. The foundations of the universes of symbols are categories of cognition. L. von Bertalanffy considers that categories of cognition are relativistic, grounding on the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, i. e. the principle of linguistic relativity. Relativity of categories of cognition is of three types: biological, cultural and perspective. L. von Bertalanffy gives an explanation of the biological relativity of categories of cognition through the J. von Uexkull’s Umwelt-Lehre, i. e. the theory of environment. The cultural relativity of categories of cognition is being explained by L. von Bertalanffy with specificities of the different cultures. The perspective relativity of categories of cognition is a philosophy of models and modelling. All three types of categories of cognition create the necessary prerequisites for culture criticism, because culture is a part of the universes of symbols. The important aspect of culture is history. History of culture reveals that Western society is going to its end. L. von Bertalanffy explains the end of Western society through the image of man as robot. The culture of Western society sees and studies human beings as robots or automata with only natural instincts. To save the culture of Western society it ought to be done the reappraisal of values, the revaluation of relations of human beings in general. It shall lead to the creation of the brand new image of human being as active and creative creature. The studying of the L. von Bertalanffy’s anthropological philosophy enables to understand of the origins of current systems philosophy and systems thinking. In addition the L. von Bertalanffy’s anthropological philosophy might be integrated in actual conceptions of multiverses and the «New Humanism».ruфилософская антропологиякритика культурыобщая теория системфілософська антропологіякритика культуризагальна теорія системphilosophical anthropologyculture criticismgeneral systems theoryАнтропологическая философия Людвига фон БерталанфиАнтропологічна філософія Людвіга фон БерталанфіThe Anthropological Philosophy of Ludwig von BertalanffyArticle