Tsymbaliuk, KyryloMartsynko, Olena E.Finik, ОlenaNesterkina, MariiaKravchenko, IrynaDyakonenko, ViktoriyaShishkina, SvitlanaМарцинко, Олена Едуардівна2024-10-032024-10-032024Features of synthesis and structure of coordination polymer Ni(II) with 2-(4-bromophenoxy) acetohydrazide // K. Tsymbaliuk, O. Martsynko, O. Finik et al. // Інноваційні напрями розвитку хімії – 2024 [Електронний ресурс] : тези доп. 1 наук. конф. з міжнар. участю (Одеса, 9–11 верес. 2024 р.) / за ред.: к.х.н., доц. Менчука В. В., д.х.н., проф. Марцинко О. Е., к.х.н., доц. Гузенко О. М., к.х.н., доц. Тимчук А. Ф., к.х.н., доц. Снігура Д. В. – Електрон. текст. дані (1 файл : 4,3 МБ). – Одеса : Одес. нац. ун-т ім. І. І. Мечникова, 2024. – P. 49.https://dspace.onu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/39381Drugs having the hydrazide functional group are an important category within antituberculosis, antibacterial, antifungal, and antimicrobial pharmaceuticals. The coordination of hydrazides to biometal ions often leads to an increase in the biological activity of compounds, as well as an expansion of its spectrum. Thus, the study of complexation of new hydrazides with transition metals opens the way to the synthesis of more effective drug substances with a wide spectrum of pharmacological action.enantimicrobial pharmaceuticalsthermogravimetric analysispolymeric structureFeatures of synthesis and structure of coordination polymer Ni(II) with 2-(4-bromophenoxy) acetohydrazideArticle