Olejarz, T.Nitsenko, Vitalii S.Chukurna, O.Mykhailova, M.Олеяж, Т.Ніценко, Віталій СергійовичЧукурна, О. П.Михайлова, М. В.Ниценко, Виталий Сергеевич2018-11-272018-11-272018Науковий вісник НГУhttps://dspace.onu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/19882The article is devoted to the investigation of factors influencing labour productivity of machine-building enterprises in mining industry and to their evaluation in order to increase the competitiveness. To develop ways to increase the competitiveness of engineering enterprises within the same mining industry by the means of increasing their labour productivity. To determine the relationship between labour productivity at engineering enterprises of mining industry and return on assets as well as return on sales using correlation analysis. To ground and to explain the indicator of labour as basis for the formulation of quantitative and qualitative indicators used in further assessment of production competitiveness at machine-building enterprises.enмашиностроениепроизводительность трудаконкурентоспособностьрентабельность активоврентабельность реализованной продукцииEvaluation of factors influencing labour performance of machine-building enterprises in mining industryОцінка факторів впливу на продуктивність праці машинобудівних підприємств гірничодобувної промисловостіArticle