Brusylovska, Olga I.Брусиловська, Ольга Іллівна2018-04-242018-04-242014Brusylovska O. Ukrainian business media in the context of “power - large capital” relations / O. Brusylovska // Kreowanie przestrzeni spolecznej w cyfrowym swiecie. Wplyw mediow na rzeczywistosc polityczna oraz funkcjonowanie ruchow spolecznych i religijnych w Polsce i Europie Srodkowo-Wschodniej / Red. nauk. M. Lyszczarz, S.M. Marcinkiewicz, M. Sokolowski. – Torun : Wyd. Adam Marszalek, 2014. system of “power - large capital” relations is constructed in Ukraine, which admitted to form oligarchic capitalism without the control of society. The presidency of Leonid Kuchma generated the “time of oligarchs”. Famous economist Anders Åslund prognoses: future development of Ukraine will be most interesting condemnation to the board of the oligarchs. In the exploration task enters to explore position of business mass-media about the influence of large business on the development of modern Ukraine.enUkrainianbusiness mediaoligarchic capitalismUkrainian business media in the context of “power - large capital” relationsArticle