Kusyk, Nataliia L.Кусик, Наталья ЛьвовнаКусик, Наталія ЛьвівнаBahdikian, Susanna V.Багдикян, Сусанна ВараздадовнаБагдік'ян, Сусанна Вараздадівна2019-11-252019-11-252019XХXIII International Conference PROBLEMS OF DECISION MAKING UNDER UNCERTAINTIES (PDMU-2019), January 24 – February 1, 2019https://dspace.onu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/26285The functions of the management decisions making on the financing of education are provided both by the state (because the most universities are state-owned in Ukraine) and by the higher education institutions (HEI) themselves.enUkrainehigher education institutions (HEI)educational servicesJustification of the decision making on the financing of education in UkraineArticle