Чеботарьов, Олександр МиколайовичChebotaryov, Aleksandr N.Snigur, Denys V.Снігур, Денис ВасильовичСнигур, Денис ВасильевичЧеботарёв, Александр Николаевич2018-03-122018-03-122015Journal of Analytical Chemistryhttps://dspace.onu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/12994Acid base properties of quercetin in aqueous solutions are studied by the method chemical color measurements and dissociation constants (pK) are determined. The pK values are assigned to corresponding functional groups of quercetin and a probable scheme of their dissociation is proposed. A diagram of the dis tribution of ion molecular forms of quercetin in the pH range 1–13 is built.enquercetinchemical color measurementsionization constantsdistribution diagramStudy of the Acid Base Properties of Quercetin in Aqueous Solutions by Color MeasurementsArticle