Фартушняк, Катерина ОлександрівнаФартушняк, Екатерина АлександровнаFartushnyak, Kateryna O.2015-10-272015-10-272015Записки з ономастики = Opera in onomasticahttps://dspace.onu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/7473Здійснено системний аналіз прізвищ мешканців Тростянецького району, які мотивовані найменуваннями професій та роду заняття. Зроблено лексико-семантичний аналіз антропонімів цього регіону.Осуществлен системный анализ фамилий жителей Тростянецкого района, мотивированных названиями профессий и рода занятий. Выполнен лексико-семантический анализ антропонимов данного региона.In the article we have carried out the systematic analysis of the last names of Trostianets district of the Vinnytsya region motivated by the line of work and the names of the professions. The study of regional last names as well their motivational base, are refer to the actual problems of modern name-study. Lexico-semantic analysis of anthroponyms in this region was made. Within the lexico-semantic group of surnames in region of interest, motivated by appellative associated with the line of work and the names of the professions, was relieving the following subgroups: 1. industry and crafts; 2. agriculture; 3. military posts; 4. trade; 5. church; 6. social status; 7. service at the court; 8. administrative positions; 9. music, art. Investiga¬tion of the reason of lexical-semantic database of the names of the inhabitants of Trostianets district showed that in anthroponymicon there are three thousand one hundred and twenty five last names, which include 125 last names motivated by the line of work and the names of the professions (6, 3 %). Eighty appellatives were lexicalized, which are outlined in word-formative structure. The most productive in the last names formation were lexical items of industry and crafts, which in turn gave the opportunity to trace the repertoire of the most popular professions of the Trostianets district. Podolia last names motivated by the line of work and the names of the pro-fessions holistically reflect the economic life of this area, and show dominate rural activities of the inhabitants.ukантропоніміяпрізвищемотивувальне словоапелятивлексико-семантична групаантропонимияфамилияапеллятивмотивирующее словолексико-семантическая группаanthroponomythe last namemotivating wordappellativelexico-semantic groupПрізвища мешканців Тростянецького району Вінницької області, похідні від назв професій та роду заняттяФамилии жителей Тростянецкого района Винницкой области, производные от названий профессий и рода занятияThe last names of Trostianets district of the Vinnytsya region motivatedd by the line of work and the names of the professionsArticle