Славінська, Марина СергіївнаСлавинская, Марина СергеевнаSlavinska, Marina S.2018-11-062018-11-062018Записки з українського мовознавства = Opera in linguistica ukrainianahttps://dspace.onu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/19393Статтю присвячено аналізу найпоказовіших наукових розробок науковців, присвячених соціальній рекламі, визначено коло неопрацьованої проблематики, акцентовано на необхідності поглибленого вивчення феномену соціальної реклами у вітчизняній лінгвістиці, виокремлено актуальні аспекти перспективних пошуків у зазначеній царині.Статья посвящена анализу показательных научных разработок, посвященных социальной рекламе, определен круг неразработанной проблематики, акцентировано на необходимости углубленного изучения феномена социальной рекламы в украинской лингвистике, детализированы актуальные аспекты перспективных изысканий в этой области.The article deals with analyzing the indicative scientific works dedicated to social advertisement. The author defines the issues not having been tackled yet, while emphasizing the necessity of studying the social advertisement phenomenon in Ukrainian Linguistics, and detailing the essential aspects of the perspective researches within this sphere. It is very important to study linguistic analyses of social advertisement and to outline the perspective directions of further research because social advertisement is new phenomenon in social and cultural life of mankind. The object of the article is social advertisement. The subject is the linguistic aspects of its elaboration. We used such methods of research: descriptive method - to find out the features of the genre of social advertisement, inductive generalization - for the systematization of the data obtained, modeling method - to outline the actual directions of further linguistic reconstruction of social advertisement. The subject of social advertising is diverse and constantly updated, as there are new problems that need to be addressed and public attention, the various informative upbringing of public values does not lose importance. Social advertising is a multifaceted phenomenon that attracts the attention of sociologists, semiotics, cultural scientists, psychologists, political scientists, linguists, thus defining a multitude of approaches to its study. We have noted that the domestic science of this type of advertisement is much less investigated than foreign. There are only isolated researches, which discusses the definition of social advertising, its purpose, function, model of construction, scientists emphasize its influence. It should be noted that due attention has not been paid to identifying and studying the lexical-semantic peculiarities of social advertising, which would allow for the modeling of effective advertising texts, since the semantics of the key words mainly attracts the attention of the recipient of the advertising text. The study of lexical-semantic features determines the successful functioning and effectiveness of advertising appeals, and is therefore extremely relevant.ukсоціальна рекламаструктурастратегіїукраїнська лінгвістикавпливсоциальная рекламастратегиивлияниеукраинская лингвистикаsocial advertisementstructurestrategiesUkrainian LinguisticsinfluenceСоціальна реклама парадигмі сучасної гуманітаристики: основна проблематикаСоциальная реклама в парадигме современной гуманитаристики: основная проблематикаSocial advertisement in the modern humanitarian sciences paradigm: essential issuesArticle