Chaikovska, Maryna P.Чайковська, Марина ПетрівнаZeng, Zhen2024-07-082024-07-082024Zeng Zhen. Prospects for the application of artificial intelligence in marketing management / Zhen Zeng // Збірник тез доповідей студентів, аспірантів та здобувачів – учасників 80-ї звітної конференції Одеського національного університету імені І. І. Мечникова (присвячується 159-й річниці університету). Секція економічних і правових наук (Одеса, 23–25 квіт. 2024 р.) / відп. ред. О. В. Побережець ; ред. кол.: О. І. Донченко, Є. І. Масленніков, А. Л. Святошнюк та ін. – Одеса : Олді+, 2024. – С. 331–333. the new era of efficiency and personalization, marketing management becomes more dynamic and adaptive. Today, successful marketing management requires a focus on data. Companies collect and analyze vast amounts of data about consumers, their behavior, and preferences. This includes not only traditional demographic data but also information about online behavior, social media interactions, and more. Additionally, consumers expect personalized interactions. Marketing management focuses on creating content and offers that meet the individual needs and preferences of each customer. Personalized advertising messages, offers, and recommendations become the standard rather than the exception. With the development of digital technologies and networks, marketers encounter a variety of communication channels with consumers. Therefore, marketing management should be based on an omnichannel model to ensure unified and coordinated interaction with customers. In this context, the role of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) becomes crucial.enmarketing managementdigital technologiesartificial intelligence (AI)machine learning (ML)chatbotsnatural language processing (NLP) supportAI-driven systemsAI-based toolsProspects for the application of artificial intelligence in marketing managementArticle