Horshkova, Olena H.Voliuvach, Olha V.Shtenikov, Mykola D.Gudzenko, Tetiana V.Волювач, Ольга ВячеславовнаВолювач, Ольга В'ячеславівнаГоршкова, Елена ГеоргиевнаГоршкова, Олена Георгіївна2019-02-122019-02-122017The Ukrainian Biochemical Journalhttps://dspace.onu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/21634Methods for eliminating oil pollution, based on their decomposition by non-pathogenic microorganisms, are recognized as effective and ecologically safeenPseudomonas fluorescensONU 541Bacillus megateriumONU 542Strains Pseudomonas fluorescens ONU 541, Bacillus megaterium ONU 542 are promising producers of surface-active met abolites and destructors of petroleum productsArticle