Pavlovych, Oleksandra R.Павлович, Олександра РоманівнаПавлович, Александра РомановнаChepurna, L. V.2021-05-192021-05-192021Збір. тез доп. студ., аспір. та здобув. – учасн. 76-ї звіт. конф. Одеського нац. ун-ту імені І. І. Мечникова. Секція економічних і правових наук (Одеса, 26-28 квіт. 2020 р.). – Одеса : Фенікс, 2021. to globalization and active development of information technology, new ways of financing through the Internet are gaining popularity. Companies do not use borrowed funds very often and prefer self-financing. That is why the study of crowdfunding as an innovative tool for the development of small companies at an early stage is vital. With significant prospects, crowdfunding may soon take a leading position in the financial resources market.ukсrowdfundinginnovativesmall businessСrowdfunding as an innovative tool for small business developmentArticle