Стебеляк, Ольга ВасилівнаStebeliak, Olha V.2017-12-052017-12-052017Libra: збірка наукових праць кафедри історії стародавнього світу та середніх віківhttps://dspace.onu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/11735As a rule, the main attention of Philo of Alexandria's researchers is focused on his philosophy and exegesis. The purpose of this article is to analyze the approach of the Alexandrian thinker to historical writing. In addition, numerous authors' digressions in the analyzed treatise ‘The Life of Moses’ make it possible to reconstruct the philosophy of history of Philo. The author came to conclusion that Philo as the writer was under a significant influence of genres and methods of Greek and Roman historiography, while his interpretation of the historical process remained within the framework of Hebrew Old Testament tradition.ukФілон Александрійський«Життя Мойсея»історикPhilo of Alexandria‘The Life of Moses’historianФілон Александрійський як історик (на матеріалі трактату «Життя Мойсея»)Philo of Alexandria as the historian (on the material of the treatise «The Life of Moses»).Article