Романченко, Алла ПетрівнаКаназірська, В. А.Романченко, Алла ПетровнаКаназирская, В. А.Romanchenko, Alla P.Kanazirska, V. А.2021-09-142021-09-142021Записки з українського мовознавства = Opera in linguistica ukrainianahttps://dspace.onu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/31610У статті здійснено порівняльний аналіз лексики говірки с. Плахтіївка Саратського району Одеської області та сучасної української літературної мови, проведено паралелі як на фонетичному, так і на лексичному рівнях. Визначено розбіжності говіркової лексики й літературної норми.В статье осуществлен сравнительный анализ диалектной лексики говора с. Плахтеевка Саратского района Одесской области и современного украинского языка, проведено параллели как на фонетическом, так и на лексическом уровнях. Определены различия субдиалектной лексики и литературной нормы.The study of the dialectal vocabulary of the southern regions of the Dniester and the Danube is still relevant for modern dialectology. This territory is an area of late formation with complex multidirectional and different-time interdialectal and interlingual interactions. The purpose of this article is to compare the names of clothes in the dialect of the village Plakhtiivka (Odessa region) and the nationwide Ukrainian language. The object of research is dialectal names of clothes, and the subject is phonetic and semantic aspects of the specified vocabulary. A descriptive method (to characterize the names of clothes), component analysis (to establish the semantics of the studied vocabulary) and comparative method (to identify common and different in dialect and modern Ukrainian language) were used in the process of studying colloquial vocabulary. The source base of the study contains field recordings of colloquial speech, made on a special questionnaire. The theoretical value of the obtained results lies in the systematization of common and different in phonetic and semantic aspects, and the practical value - in the potential use of the results in classes on dialectology and lexicology and in lexicographic practice. The study describes lexical items of four lexical and semantic groups: "Names of men's clothing", "Names of women's clothing", "Names of men's accessories" and "Names of women's accessories". In a comparative aspect 18 lexical items are considered. At the phonetic and lexical levels a significant number of lexical items different from the modern Ukrainian language have been found. Most of the meanings of the analyzed lexical items coincide with those recorded in the nationwide language. However, there are some differences that constitute the specifics of the dialect. The considered colloquial vocabulary is valuable for enriching the empirical base of Ukrainian dialectology and preserving dialect names in the annals of the Ukrainian language.ukговіркадіалектсучасна українська мованомінаціяодягаксесуарговордиалектсовременный украинский языкноминацияодеждааксессуарcolloquial vocabularydialectmodern Ukrainian languagenominationclothesaccessoryГовіркова лексика Південної Бессарабії і сучасна українська мова: зіставний аспектСубдиалектная лексика Южной Бессарабии и современный украинский язык: сопоставительный аспектColloquial vocabulary of Southern Bessarabia and modern ukrainian language: a comparative aspectArticleDOI: https://doi.org/10.18524/2414-0627.2021.28.235515