Bayraktar, Vasyl M.Polukarova, L. A.Байрактар, Василь МиколайовичПолукарова, Л. А.Байрактар, Василий Николаевич2022-09-282022-09-282014Природничий альманах: зб. наук. праць. – Херсон: ПП Вишемирський, 2014. the article given results of the summer seasonal enzyme activity, concentration of macro-and microelements, some parameters of cellular metabolism in macrophyte isolated from littoral aquatories of the Tiligul estuary. It was indicated enzyme activity in the summer. Investigation of qualitative and quantitative composition of macrophyte and their biochemical parameters on example of enzyme activity, concentration of macro-and microelements, some metabolic parameters allow us better and fully to assess ecological status of coastal waters of small rivers [1, 4]. Green and red algae living in littoral aquatories significantly act to the common ecological condition and furthermore, red algae also are indicators of environmental situation in water ecosystem [1, 6]. Hydrochemical parameters of water and soil also needs to be monitored for timely assessment of possibly changes. Environmental monitoring is an integrated observation system the environmental situation of the ecology which allows to evaluate and forecast the state of the environment under the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors. Problem of ecological monitoring due to the increasing anthropogenic and industrial impact on the environment are actual. When water pollution changes the mactophyte species composition, their biomass production, morphological abnormalities occur. There is a change of dominant species that allow to determine features of cenosisenmacrophyteenzyme activitymacro - and microelementsmetabolismSummer seasonal enzyme activity, macro- and microelements in macrophytes isolated from littoral aquatories of the Tiligul estuaryЛітня сезонна активність ферментів, макро- і мікроелементів у макрофітів виділених з прибережних акваторій Тилігульського лимануЛетняя сезонная активность ферментов, макро – и микроэлементов у макрофитов выделенных из прибрежных акваторий Тилигульского лиманаArticle