Seifullina, Inna Y.Martsynko, Olena E.Chebanenko, Olena AnatoliivnaPiesarohlo, Olena G.Марцинко, Олена ЕдуардівнаМарцинко, Елена ЭдуардовнаСейфулліна, Інна ЙосипівнаСейфуллина, Инна Иосифовна2018-02-062018-02-06201727th International Chugaev Conference on Coordination Chemistry 4th Conference-School for Young Researchers “Physicochemical Methods in Coordination Chemistry” October 2-6,2017, N. Novgorod, Russia modem stage of development of supramolecular chemistry is characterized by the appearance of a significant number of publications devoted to the study of various chemical systems, which self-organize due to non-covalent, in particular, hydrogen bonds.ensupramolecularhydroxycarboxylatogermanate acidsForming of supramolecular salts based on the hydroxycarboxylatogermanic acids and nitrogen-containing organic moleculesArticle