Златов, ОлександрZlatov, Oleksandr2022-04-202022-04-202021Записки історичного факультету = Записки исторического факультетаhttps://dspace.onu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/32825Стаття розглядає основні процеси ідеологічного формування Комуністичної партії Китаю, які пов’язані з діяльністю більшовицьких агентів в Китаї. Докладно проаналізовано основні місії більшовиків в Китаї до 1920 р., та їх зв’язок з китайськими комуністами. Визначено вплив емігрантів на китайських комуністів та їх можливий зв’язок з більшовицькою агентурою та Комінтерном.The article analyzes the main processes of ideological formation of the Communist Party of China, which are related to the activities of Bolshevik agents in China. The main missions of the Bolsheviks in China before 1920 and their connection with the Chinese Communists have been studied. The influence of emigrants on the Chinese Communists and their possible connection with the Bolshevik agency and the Comintern is analyzed. The main thesis of the article is analyze the connection of the Chinese Communists with the Bolshevik agents before 1920. Investigate the activities of the first Bolshevik agents in China, both sent from Russia and emigrants sympathetic to the Bolsheviks. Identify the influence of Bolshevik agents on the development of communist ideas in China. It was found that the mission of M. Popov, popular in Western historiography of the twentieth century in 1919, did not exist at all. He was in China in 1918, but with completely different goals. The main differences in the source base regarding N. Burtman's mission are analyzed, in particular, it remains unclear how N. Burtman was able to establish a connection with Li Dazhao. It has been proved that since two memoirs confirm at once that N. Burtman was indeed in China in 1919, the mission did exist, but the main points of the mission need to be studied in more detail. In the analysis of emigrant activity, it was found that since 1918, such emigrants as S. Polevoy and A. Ivanov were the main suppliers of Bolshevik literature. It is interesting to note that, by coincidence, the main agents of influence on the Chinese Communists until 1920 were either Ukrainians or were born in Ukraine. Work to establish contact with the Chinese Communists was indeed carried out before 1920, namely before the arrival of Voitinsky's mission. Some emigrants established contact with the Chinese Communists as early as 1918, and began to conduct Bolshevik propaganda. But the question still remains whether they acted on their own initiative or were Bolshevik agents.ukБільшовицькі агентиКомуністична партія КитаюПольовий С.Буртман Н.Лі ДачжаоЧжан ТайлейBolshevik agentsCommunist Party of ChinаPolevoy S.Burtman N.Li DazhaoZhang TaileiДіяльність перших більшовицьких агентів щодо встановлення зв’язку з китайськими комуністамиActivities of the first Bolshevic agents to establish contact with Chinese communistsArticle10.18524/2312-6825.2021.32.250083