Ракитская, Татьяна ЛеонидовнаТруба, Алла СергеевнаРаскола, Людмила АнатольевнаРакитська, Тетяна ЛеонідівнаТруба, Алла СергіївнаРаскола, Людмила АнатоліївнаRakitskaya, Tatiana L.Truba, Alla S.Raskola, Liudmyla A.2018-10-242018-10-242013Вчені записки Таврійського національного університету ім. В.І. Вернадськогоhttps://dspace.onu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/19250Получены катализаторы состава MCl2/ S (M = Cu, Co, Mn; S – трепел, базальтовый туф, клиноптилолит), которые охарактеризованы методом РФА и тестированы в реакции низкотемпературного разложения озона при его содержании в воздухе 100 и 1 мг/м3. Для двух концентраций озона установлена одинаковая закономерность влияния природы носителя на активность катализаторов MCl2/ S (CMCl2= (1,2-2,4)×10-4 моль/г): П-Тр(К)>П-БТ(1)* > П-Кл.Отримані каталізатори складу MCl2/ S (M = Cu, Co, Mn; S – трепел, базальтовий туф, клиноптилоліт), які охарактеризовані методом РФА та тестовані в реакції низькотемпературного розкладу озону при його вмісті у повітрі 100 і 1 мг/м3. Для цих двох концентрацій озону встановлена однакова закономірність впливу природи носія на активність каталізаторов MCl2/ S (CMCl2= (1,2-2,4)×10-4 моль/г):П-Тр(К) > П-БТ(1)* > П-Кл.MCl2/S catalysts (M = Cu, Co, and Mn; S – tripoli, basalt tuff, and clinoptilolite) obtained by incipient wetness impregnation have been characterized by X-ray phase analysis and testified in the reaction of low-temperature ozone decomposition at the ozone content in air equal to 100 and 1 mg/m3. As is shown by X-ray phase analysis, the natural samples from Ukrainian deposits are crystalline and do not change their X-ray spectral characteristics after their modification with chlorides of Cu(II), Co(II), and Mn(II). These natural sorbents are polyphase minerals. Clinoptililite, in addition to its main component, contains also a-SiO2 and impurities of a-Fe2O3 and mordenite; basalt tuff (N-BT(1)*) consists of clinoptililite, mordenite, montmorillonite, and a-Fe2O3; tripoli (N-Tr(K)) contains different modifications of silicon dioxide – α-quartz, α-tridymite, and β- cristobalite. These natural materials directly decompose ozone at its above two concentrations in ozone-air mixture. Their activity in the reaction of ozone decomposition decreases in such a sequence: N-BT(1)* > N-CLI » N-Tr(K). This fact is explained by a decrease in Al2O3 and Fe2O3 contents in these materials. The natural sorbents, namely, tripoli, basalt tuff, and clinoptilolite, in spite of their different mineralogical and chemical compositions, can be used for obtaining supported catalysts for ozone decomposition at both a high (100 mg/m3) and a low (1 mg/m3) ozone content in air. The following general sequence N-Tr(K) > N-BT(1)* > N-CLI has been found for the influence of a support nature on the activity of MCl2/S catalysts (СMCl2 = (1.2-2.4) ×10-4 mole/g). The regularity obtained is determined by mineralogical composition and physicochemical properties of the supports. Tripoli, as opposed to NBT( 1)* and N-CLI, has not only a different from them composition, but also the large (36 m/g2)) specific surface and basic properties (pHs 9.8) of its surface. MnCl2/N-Tr(K) catalyst asserts the air purification below maximum permissible concentration (MPCO3 = 0.1 mg/m3) for more than 30 h at the initial ozone concentration of 1.0 g/m3. Thus, such a behavior is sufficient to recommend this catalyst for its application in a respiratory protection equipment meant for the personnel in a hazardous environment.ruприродные носителифазовый составнизкотемпературное разложение озонакинетикаприродні носіїфазовий складнизькотемпературний розклад озонукінетикаnatural supportsphase compositionlow-temperature ozone decompositionkineticsКатализаторы низкотемпературного разложения озона на основе хлоридов 3d-металлов и природных сорбентовКаталізатори низькотемпературного розкладу озону на основі хлоридів 3d- металів і природних сорбентівCatalysts based on chlorides of 3d metals and natural sorbents for low-temperature ozone oxidationArticle